Christ Central Church Telford

Gruops at Christ Central Church Telford

Each group is a community of faith and is much more than a weekly meeting. Although our Sunday morning meeting is our main time of worship together, being a member of a Home Group is the primary way of becoming part of the CCT family. Each new person is encouraged to visit the different Home Groups to see which one they would like to become part of.

Home Groups at Christ Central Telford

Home Groups Values

  • Jesus at the centre through worshipping and praying together.
  • Community life expressed through sacrificial love for one another.
  • Each person growing in their relationship with Jesus and spurring one another on to love and good deeds.
  • Partnering together in praying for and reaching not-yet Christian family and friends.

Current Home Groups

Information about all of our current Home Groups can be found on the map below.  Click the "Zoom in" ('+') button 2 times to see the markers clearly for all 5 groups. Click on each map marker to find out more.